Aubrey & Caireen Pee Competition

Aubrey & Caireen are sitting in front of two glass jars with water in them, Caireen says We decided to make a competition to see who pee’s more, the things that we do for fun. So we decided we’re both gonna drink a litre of water as the camera shows the jars full of water close up then goes back to the girls and Caireen continues Then we’re gonna hold it until one person can’t hold it anymore and then we can measure how much we go as Aubrey says See which of us pee’s more. Caireen says Ready drink as they start drinking the water, you can see Caireen’s hard nipples through her shirt as she drinks, she stops and says God this is really hard and Aubrey says Mm-hmm, god this is a lot of water, they continue drinking until Caireen stops saying I need a break and Aubrey says You’re drinking it so much faster than me. Caireen says We didn’t fill it all the way up because we didn’t want to get hydrotoxosis but the word is hyponatremia, so we’re only drinking a litre and Aubrey says A litre is a lot of water to drink at once anyway then Caireen says But a litre is medically approved because one time I had to have an ultrasound on my abdomen and they tell you to drink a litre of water and Aubrey says I’ve done that before, it was horrible. They keep drinking and struggling to get it down as they keep talking. Caireen says Who’s idea was this? it was mine and Aubrey says It was your idea as they continue drinking. Finally Caireen finishes and Aubrey says Oh my god, what the hell as she keeps drinking. Caireen says I’m gonna throw up but I’m done. Aubrey keeps drinking and says Almost done and Caireen replies Drink up baby as Aubrey finally finishes and Caireen says Now we just wait and Aubrey says Oh my god that’s a lot of water as Caireen shows the empty jars. We go into a time lapse because they are just waiting. Finally it cuts to Caireen standing with the jar in her hand, she puts the jar on the ground as she looks around to make sure nobody is looking, she takes her shoes off showing off her feet for all the feet fans with painted toes then her shorts showing her trimmed bush and pussy as she crouches over then kneels over the jar and begins pissing, she holds up the jar after she finishes and says 2 cups then Aubrey says I think you’re gonna beat me, oh my gosh that’s a lot. It cuts to Aubrey with no pants on holding the jar in between her legs then crouching over it, we can see her painted toes too as we get a closer look at her shaved pussy. She struggles to start peeing saying I’ve got stage fright and after a while longer she starts pissing. Her’s comes out a lot darker than Caireen’s as Caireen says It’s so yellow oh my god, i think you win. They put the jars next to each other and it shows Aubrey has won but not by much to end the video.