Birthing Vlog

Natasha says this is a very different type of video than you’re used to, it’s the big day, it’s the day I’m getting induced coz I’m well overdue and i thought id share this journey with you, I’m a little bit nervous but excited at the same time, I’m just getting ready and packing my bag so I thought id keep you updated with how I go. Im going to show you my bump because it might be the last time you see it as big as it is right now. She turns side on to the camera showing her heavily pregnant belly and says So my bump is very low, that means the baby has dropped and is sitting right into my pelvis so it’s ready to come out. She takes off her dress and she is wearing a black bra and red panties and says I am looking so huge and I’m going to miss this big bump as she rubs her stomach. She turns to the side showing she’s wearing a thong as she says I’m even wearing my nursing bra already as she unclips it showing her breasts and hard nipples. She says I’m sure i won’t be wearing it anyway I thought I’d wear it because I like it and it feels comfortable as she points to her belly saying a bit of movement there. She gives a close up of her breasts and belly then puts the camera down saying I might even show you my pussy pre birth and post birth as she takes off her bra saying Now’s a good time. She readjusts the camera then takes off her red thong showing her shaved pussy then caresses her belly before putting her leg up on something and spreading her pussy lips. She then moves her camera as she sits on her bed spreading her legs and her pussy lips saying it’s about to get stretched . My pussy is so puffy it’s already dilated a couple of centimetres away look at this huge bump I’m really going to miss it as she rubs her belly again. She moves the camera again saying Right now I am just packing coz I don’t know how long I’ll be in hospital for so we’ll see how it goes and I’ll keep you updated as she packs her bag. After she’s finished packing she lays back on the bed saying I’m a little bit nervous but excited but I just wanted to thank those of you who have been here since I announced I was pregnant and those of you that are new It means a lot to me. You have encouraged me to keep doing what I do, this is why I feel like I can share this part of my life with you as she pans down to her rubbing her belly. I will show you as much as I can and what I’m comfortable with. Hopefully it’s going to be a good process and the baby will be healthy, so I’ll keep you updated. It cuts to Natasha in the car going to hospital as she rubs her belly and pulls her dress up showing that big bump and her red panties. It cuts again to her walking into the hospital. Then it cuts to a hospital room and she says This is my post natal room where I’ll come after I give birth. She sits on the bed saying Now it’s starting to feel real, I can’t believe this is happening. I am nervous but I think I’ll be okay. She pans down to her big belly again then it cuts to Natasha in her bed saying Hey they’ve hooked me up to these bands as she shows a pink one to monitor the babies heart rate and a blue one to monitor contractions. It cuts and we see Natasha back in the car she says Yes I’m back in the car, they’re sending me back home because I don’t need the gel to soften my cervix, they want me to come back in early tomorrow morning so they can break my waters and hopefully that will put me into labour but I’m gonna keep you updated. It cuts to Natasha laying on her bed saying she just got back home and had a shower and had dinner and I’m feeling really exhausted. I don’t know if I’m in the early stages of labour but I’m getting period pain down below every time I get a braxton hicks which is like fake labour if they get worse I might have to call my midwife and go back in tonight but we’ll see it’s very unpredictable, I like to share this because it’s a distraction from the pain and being nervous. She again pans to her belly lifting her dress. It cuts and Natasha says I called my midwife and it sounds like I am in early labour as she gets a contraction breathing through it, Natasha continues She said to call again if I can’t talk during my contraction and if they become really painful so hopefully this keeps progressing and I can move forward. I don’t know if it will progress overnight or I’ll have to wait until the morning to go back in but I’ll keep you updated. It’s time for this baby to come out as she shows her bump again. She says I better get some rest while I can because I’m sure I’ll need it very soon. So it’ll be nice if I can get some sleep tonight and rest up for tomorrow. That’s if I don’t go into labour tonight, we’ll see. It cuts to Natasha in the car again she says So it’s happening tonight, my contractions are getting worse so my midwife said come in we’ll check you and we’ll go from there. I’m in between contractions at the moment so I feel ok. It’s like a rest period between my sets like going to the gym, this is my workout, I’ll keep you updated. It cuts to Natasha back in a hospital bed she says So I’m back in hospital I’ve probably been here for over an hour now, I’ve had a lot of contractions since and they’re definitely getting worse and they’re hurting me. She lifts her dress showing she’s hooked up to the monitors again then show she’s not wearing any panties and her vagina is looking very puffy. She says My waters still haven’t broke which can be normal getting contractions first your waters break. It’s getting late and I’m getting super tired so I’m going to try and rest in between contractions and see how I go. It cuts to her having contractions moaning in pain and breathing heavily. She pulls the blanket off and says I’m just going move around a little bit while I can as she sits on the edge of the bed then stands up grabbing the exercise ball and sitting on it. It cuts to her saying she’s had a cannula put in and she’s been having more contractions and they are very painful but still bearable. She stands up showing her bump side on then lifts her shirt showing her big tits and extremely erect nipples. She leans over breathing through another contraction. It cuts to Natasha in the process of giving birth as she pushes then relaxes then after a rest pushes again. After a while of doctors and nurses talking she is pushing again this time it’s a big one and she screams loudly and soon after the baby is born. It cuts to Natasha talking to the camera she says It’s been 50 minutes since I had my baby, it got very intense and very quick. I’m just relieved I’ve got a healthy baby, I’m gonna keep the gender low profile, the birth went better towards the end, it was very painful and I wasn’t able to record everything because of the pain but it all went well and I’m happy to be a mother again as she looks down at her baby. It cuts to Natasha at home she says It’s been a couple of days since I’ve given birth and I’m feeling really good now, I’ve had plenty of rest , my baby sleeps pretty good I am so lucky, I feel so happy right now and I thought I would go through with you what happened because I couldn’t record everything because it became way too intense. Labour became really intense towards the end. So what happened was I wasn’t progressing fast and the baby was getting distressed so they were going to do an emergency c section on me, they broke my waters to start it off and hopefully that was going to make things go a bit quicker and it did. I dilated from 4 centimetres to 10 centimetres within a couple hours, it was full on and intense and painful but luckily I didn’t need the emergency c section. Towards the end the pushing is actually easier than the dilating because you’re already fully dilated and the pushing is the final part, that part was amazing as soon as the put Bub on my chest. It was a good experience overall, definitely worth it and I’m so happy with how it all went. It cuts to Natasha saying now I still look like I’m 3 or 4 months pregnant as she pulls up her shirt showing her much smaller bump then lifting her shirt higher showing her boobs she says They’re starting to get bigger, starting to fill up full of milk as she bounces up and down jiggling them. She says I don’t think too much has changed down here but I am still sore so obviously I can’t have sex for a while or penetrate myself I’m just gonna let it recover, by the way I have no tears so I’m lucky but it’s still a bit sore as she stands up pulling her pants off to show what her pussy looks like post pregnancy. She says I should be able to reach it now so I can give it a good shave. She sits on the bed spreading her legs, she says I don’t think it’s changed too much, it’s definitely been stretched to the max and I will miss this bump. I’ll decide later if I want a third child but we’ll see how two goes at the moment. I just feel so different without a big bump now. She then thanks all her supporters for their support during her pregnancy then she says Last of all I forgot to have some of this as she picks up her top deck chocolate and eats some saying again Thank you guys so much and I hope you enjoy the whole pregnancy journey.