Boba_Bitch & ShyGothExhib - First Part Of My Folsom Adventure (Flashing Vlog)
O.P Description: "My trip to Folsom Street Fair turned into more of an adventure of the Golden Coast! I'm not a huge fan of airports, so I try to take trains or buses whenever I can—and honestly, that gives me way more opportunities to be naughty in public and meet interesting folks along the way!! This first part of my Folsom Adventure is a public nudity/flashing vlog of me traveling to San Francisco and then the second half is me exploring and talking to vendors on my own at the Street Fair. It finishes off with me meeting up with @ShyGothExhib and taking lots and lots of photos with folks! There's a LOT more footage from Folsom/SF that I need to share with you guys, but I want to keep it in digestible chunks HAHA, so I will post that later this week."